Iomlan Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Cruth Filament
  • Iomlan Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Cruth FilamentIomlan Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Cruth Filament
  • Iomlan Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Cruth FilamentIomlan Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Cruth Filament
  • Iomlan Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Cruth FilamentIomlan Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Cruth Filament
  • Iomlan Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Cruth FilamentIomlan Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Cruth Filament

Iomlan Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Cruth Filament

Find a huge selection of Total Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Shaped Filament from China at LIDA®. CHANGSHU POLYESTER CO.,LTD is located in Xushi, Dongbang Town, Changshu City, in the Yangtze River Delta area, with convenient transportation. The company was established in 1983. After 40 years of struggle and technological transformation and innovation, the product quality has won the trust and praise of many customers. Now the company has strong technical force, excellent equipment, complete testing equipment, stable product quality, good reputation, and has the right to import and export. We believe that we can cooperate with you for a win-win situation in the future, and we look forward to becoming your long-term partner in China.LIDA® is Total Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Shaped Filament manufacturers and suppliers in China who can wholesale Total Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Shaped Filament. In the domestic special fiber market, Changshu Polyester Co., Ltd.'s "Lida" brand is a strong contender. Polyester filament is produced by processing and spinning polyester chips, and as a result, the cost of production is moderately low, the manufacturing process is sophisticated, and the product quality is more consistent. Polyester trilobal shaped filament is a shaped fiber obtained by spinning with a triangular spinneret. The triangular cross-section fiber has strong reflective intensity and usually has a diamond-like luster. (Semi-dull) TiO2 is added during spinning to darken the luster of the spun fiber and play a semi-dull effect. Introduce of Total Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Shaped Filament: PRODUCET:HIGH TENACITY LOW SHRINKAGE TRB FILAMENT YARN Application area: Typically used for embroidered thread, the manufactured embroidery thread is mostly used for computer embroidery, which may embroider some especially lovely patterns and logos. Product features: high strength, high color fastness, low shrinkage, good brightness, high temperature resistance, good thermoplasticity, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, good light resistance, low friction coefficient, wear resistance, good electrical insulation, non-toxic and non-toxic Smelly, good weather resistance. Especially used for Embroidery threads THE advantage:HIGH TENACITY, even dyeing, LOW SHRINAKGE, GOOD HEAT RESISTANCE Especially used for sewing threads Product index parameters: (D)ITEM 70D 108D 120D 150D test standard TENACITY ≥5.5 ≥5.5 ≥5.5 ≥5.5 GB/T 14344 ELONGATION 16±2 16±2 16±2 16±2 GB/T 14344 Hot air shriankge 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 GB/T 6505 intermingling points per meter 8 8 8 8 FZ/T 50001 0IL 7 7 7 7 GB/T 6504 (mm) Paper tube item low tube (125*140) Packing method: 1. Carton packing. 2. Pallet packaging.

Cuir Fios

Tuairisgeul toraidh

LIDA® Is e luchd-saothrachaidh agus solaraichean Filament Cumadh Trilobal Iomlan Polyester Brgiht ann an Sìona as urrainn mòr-reic Total Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Shaped Filament. Anns a’ mhargaidh snàithleach sònraichte dachaigheil, tha suaicheantas “Lida” Changshu Polyester Co., Ltd. na neach-farpais làidir. Tha filament polyester air a thoirt a-mach le bhith a ’giullachd agus a’ snìomh chips polyester, agus mar thoradh air an sin, tha cosgais cinneasachaidh meadhanach ìosal, tha am pròiseas saothrachaidh sòlaimte, agus tha càileachd toraidh nas cunbhalaiche.

Is e snàithleach cumadh a th’ ann am filament cumadh polyester trilobal a gheibhear le bhith a’ snìomh le spinneret triantan. Tha dian meòrachail làidir aig an snàithleach tar-roinn triantanach agus mar as trice tha luster coltach ri daoimean. (Semi-dull) Tha TiO2 air a chur ris aig àm snìomh gus luster an t-snìomh snìomh a dhorchachadh agus buaidh leth-dull a chluich.

Thoir a-steach Filament Cumadh Trilobal Polyester Brgiht Iomlan:

Toradh: Snàth filament TRB crìonadh ìosal de chàileachd àrd


Raon tagraidh: Mar as trice air a chleachdadh airson snàithlean grèise, bidh an t-snàthainn obair-ghrèis dèanta air a chleachdadh sa mhòr-chuid airson obair-ghrèis coimpiutair, a dh’ fhaodadh pàtranan agus suaicheantasan sònraichte a sgeadachadh.

Feartan toraidh: neart àrd, luaths dath àrd, crìonadh ìosal, deagh shoilleireachd, neart teothachd àrd, deagh thermoplasticity, strì an aghaidh creimeadh, caitheamh caitheamh, deagh neart solais, co-èifeachd brisidh ìosal, caitheamh caitheamh, deagh insulation dealain, neo-phuinnseanta agus neo- puinnseanta Fàileadh, deagh aimsir an aghaidh. Gu sònraichte air a chleachdadh airson snàithleanan grèise


A 'bhuannachd: TENACITY àrd, eadhon dathadh,

SHRINAKGE LOW, MATH RESISTANCE HEAT Air a chleachdadh gu sònraichte airson snàithleanan fuaigheil

Paramadairean clàr-amais toraidh:













GB/T 14344






GB/T 14344

Gluasad èadhair teth





GB/T 6505

puingean eadar-mheasgaichte gach meatair





FZ/T 50001






GB/T 6504

(mm) Rud tiùb pàipeir tiùb ìosal (125 * 140)

Modh pacaidh: 1. Pacadh carton. 2. Pacadh pallet.

Hot Tags: Iomlan Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Cumadh Filament, Sìona, Luchd-saothrachaidh, Solaraichean, Factaraidh, Slàn-reic, Dèanta ann an Sìona, Customized, Càileachd, SGS, GRS

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